Don’t let the iceberg sink you
Inspire. Innovate. Improve.
Carpathia Operational Consultants are here to help you get to the heart of the matter, to help you sort out the sense from the nonsense, to reveal what's hidden. We start where it really counts. We engage the workforce. We reveal the norms and the behaviours. We identify the value in your business. We expose the waste. We solve the problems and then help you and your employees to implement solutions to achieve sustainable outcomes.
So if you can see the iceberg looming or have already hit one, get in contact.
What is the ‘Iceberg’?
The bit of the iceberg we can all see represents “the way we SAY we get things done”. It’s what you see on the notice boards, on a website, in the sales brochure. It’s what the senior managers and board members talk about.
However it is the bit that we can’t see, the deeply-ingrained, “the way that things ACTUALLY get done” that define the operation, it's culture and it's performance. It is what supervisors and FLMs talk about. It is what the operators and shop floor employees do everyday. It is the behaviours and the norms.
All too often what we say and what we do, are not the same.
Carpathia Operational Consultants are here to help you get to the heart of the matter, to help you sort out the sense from the nonsense, to reveal what's hidden. Our consultants have decades of experience in manufacturing and operations management, in a variety of sectors and businesses, from SMEs to those listed on the FTSE. We will certainly have seen your challenges before, we may even have lived through them ourselves! So if you can see the iceberg looming or have already hit one, get in contact.
How we can help:
By constantly challenging the way things are done combined with organisational analysis and re-focusing, we can help deliver;
Increased customer and employee satisfaction
Significant financial improvement
Increase in customer base
Increase service level-customer service
Analysing the organisation takes resource. You may not have the time, the people or the “know how”. You may not understand what you see or have the experience to start to to change what you find. You may not know how to engage, develop and mentor your employees.
We do!
We observe, we listen, we engage.
We start where it really counts. We engage the workforce. We reveal the norms and the behaviours. We identify the value in your business. We expose the waste. We solve the problems and then help you and your employees to implement solutions to achieve sustainable outcomes.
Internationally experienced executive, Torben Rick describes the barriers to organisational change using “the iceberg”: